2025 QSF Cup Details
The QSF Cup is a Queensland school 12 years (primary and secondary school) and 14 Years boys and girls Futsal tournament organized by the QSF committee open to all schools in Queensland.
The competition run 4 Cup competitions within the state’s School Sport Regions –
North Qld (Pen & Northern regional school invites) -
Term 3, Week 4 -Cairns Redlynch ISC 4 courts
Central Qld (Capricornia and Northern School regional school invites) -
Term 2, Week 7 Mackay Basketball Stadium 4 courts
Fraser Coast (Wide Bay and Capricornia and Sun Coast regional school invites) -
Term 2, Week 7 Bundarberg PCYC 3 courts
SEQ (Metropolitan, South Coast DD and Sun Coast regional school invites)-
Term 3, Week 10 - Coomera ISC 8 courts
The champion schools from each of the 4 Cup competitions will then qualify and be invited to participate in the “Australian Schools Cup” in term 4 at the Gold Coast which will incorporate 12 other interstate and New Zealand champions school teams.
The QSF Cup provides the opportunity for all schools to participate and compete against other schools within their district, region, state and nation.
Although the QSF Cup is open to all schools in the state, due to time and venue constraints, a restricted number teams nominating in each division can be accepted. (Schools may be asked to play qualifying matches be placed on waiting lists.
AGE GROUPS: Boys and Girls
12 Years (Students cannot turn 13 or older in 2025) Girls may play in the Boys division only if the school does not have a representative Girls team
14 Years (Students cannot turn 15 or older in 2025)
Tournament Format: -
The Queensland School Futsal Cups will have the following format: -
Once nominations are finalized, the 8 schools will be randomly placed in 2 pools of 4 teams.
Each team in their respective pools will play each other once. At the end of the 3 rounds, the first and second placed teams from the 2 pools will then compete in the “Cup” competition Finals. Third and fourth positions will compete in the “Shield" Finals.
Match Details: -
20 min halves with 5 min halftime and one time out per team per match. Full FFA Rules apply to all matches except there will be no “stop the clock”
Sponsors: -
Academy One Football tours sponsor all perpetual trophies and medals that are awarded to Cup winners and runners up, and VETO Sports supply all Match Balls.
Teams and Uniforms:
School squads can have a maximum of 10 players All teams must have matching numbered shirts, shorts and socks.
Referees: - 2 referees per Court
Football Queensland will endeavor to have 2 refs on each court for each match. (At least one senior referee per court) Schools are encouraged to provide Student referees to officiate as second and third assistant referees)
Draws & Results: -
Draws will be finalised by the end of week 1, Term 2, 2025. Sample draws are attached and located on the website.
All results will be recorded on QSF Official Match sheets and updated on the scoreboard in the foyer and on “Squadi” FQ link.
Cost: - $300 per team
The total for the Venue / referees (two per game) / Sports trainers divided by 16 teams works out to be $300 per team.
Nominations: -
Information booklets and Nomination forms can be found on the QSF Website
(2025 QSF Cup information | Queensland School Futsal)
Nominations close Week 10, Term 1, 2025
Australian Futsal Cup: -
The “QSF Cup” winning teams will be invited to play in the ASF - Cup competition in late Term 4 against the best NSW, Victorian, ACT teams and South Australian School teams.
Cost: - approx. $300 per team
The total for the Venue / referees (two per game) / Sports trainers divided by 32 teams will be $300 per team.